Technology Tales

Adventures & experiences in contemporary technology

Catching keyboard interruptions in a Python script for a more orderly exit

17th April 2024

A while back, I was using a Python script to watch a folder and process photos in there, whenever a new one was added. Eventually, I ended up with a few of these because I was unable to work out a way to get multiple folders watched in the same script.

In each of them, though, I needed a tidy way to exit a running script in place of the stream of consciousness that often emerges when you do such things to it. Because I knew what was happening anyway, I needed a script to terminate quietly and set to uncover a way to achieve this.

What came up was something like the code that you see below. While I naturally did some customisations, I kept the essential construct to capture keyboard interruption shortcuts, like the use of CTRL + C in a Linux command line interface.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        except SystemExit:

What is happening above is that the interruption operation is captured in a nested TRY/EXCEPT block. The outer block catches the interruption, while the inner one runs through different ways of performing the script termination. For the first termination function call, you need to call the SYS package and the second needs the OS one, so you need to declare these at the start of your script.

Of the two, SYS.EXIT is preferable because it invokes clean-up activities while OS._EXIT does not, which might explain the “_” prefix in the second of these. In fact, calling SYS.EXIT is not that different to issuing RAISE SYSTEMEXIT instead because that lies underneath it. Here OS._EXIT is the fallback for when SYS.EXIT fails, and it is not all that desirable given the abrupt action that it invokes.

The exit code of 130 is fed to both, since that is what is issued when you terminate a running instance of an application on Linux anyway. Using 0 could negate any means of picking up what has happened if you have downstream processing. In my use case, everything was standalone, so that did not matter so much.

AttributeError: module ‘PIL’ has no attribute ‘Image’

11th March 2024

One of my websites has an online photo gallery. This has been a long-term activity that has taken several forms over the years. Once HTML and JavaScript based, it then was powered by Perl before PHP and MySQL came along to take things from there.

While that remains how it works, the publishing side of things has used its own selection of mechanisms over the same time span. Perl and XML were the backbone until Python and Markdown took over. There was a time when ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick handled image processing, but Python now does that as well.

That was when the error message gracing the title of this post came to my notice. Everything was working well when executed in Spyder, but the message appears when I tried running things using Python on the command line. PIL is the abbreviated name for the Python 3 pillow package; there was one called PIL in the Python 2 days.

For me, pillow loads, resizes and creates new images, which is handy for adding borders and copyright/source information to each image as well as creating thumbnails. All this happens in memory and that makes everything go quickly, much faster than disk-based tools like ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick.

Of course, nothing is going to happen if the package cannot be loaded, and that is what the error message is about. Linux is what I mainly use, so that is the context for this scenario. What I was doing was something like the following in the Python script:

import PIL

Then, I referred to PIL.Image when I needed it, and this could not be found when the script was run from the command line (BASH). The solution was to add something like the following:

from PIL import Image

That sorted it, and I must have run into trouble with PIL.ImageFilter too, since I now load it in the same manner. In both cases, I could just refer to Image or ImageFilter as I required and without the dot syntax. However, you need to make sure that there is no clash with anything in another loaded Python package when doing this.

Upgrading Julia packages

23rd January 2024

Whenever a new version of Julia is released, I have certain actions to perform. With Julia 1.10, installing and updating it has become more automated thanks to shell scripting or the use of WINGET, depending on your operating system. Because my environment predates this, I found that the manual route still works best for me, and I will continue to do that.

Returning to what needs doing after an update, this includes updating Julia packages. In the REPL, this involves dropping to the PKG subshell using the “]” key if you want to avoid using longer commands or filling your history with what is less important for everyday usage.

Previously, I often ran code to find a package was missing after updating Julia, so the add command was needed to reinstate it. That may raise its head again, but there also is the up command for upgrading all packages that were installed. This could be a time saver when only a single command is needed for all packages and not one command for each package as otherwise might be the case.

Using associative arrays in scripting for BASH version 4 and above

29th April 2023

Associated arrays get called different names in different computing languages: dictionaries, hash tables and so on. What is held in common is that they essentially are lists of key value pairs. In the case of BASH, you need at least version 4 to make use of this facility. In Linux Mint, I get 5.1.16, but macOS users apparently are still on BASH 3, so this post may not help them.

To declare an associative array in a later version of BASH, the following command gets issued:

declare -A hashtable

The code to add a key value pair then takes the following form:


Several values can be added to an empty array like this:

hashtable=( ["key1"]="value1" ["key2"]="value2" )

Declaration and instantiation of an associative can be done in the same line as follows:

declare -A hashtable=( ["key1"]="value1 ["key2"]="value2")

Handily, it is possible to loop through the entries in an associative array. It is possible to do this for keys and for values, once you expand out the appropriate list. The following expands a list of values:


Expanding a list of values needs something like this:


Looping through a list of values needs something like the following:

for val in "${hashtable[@]}"; do echo "$val"; done;

The above has been placed on a single line with semicolon delimiters for brevity, but this can be put on several lines with no semicolons for added clarity as long as correct indentation is followed. It is also possible to similarly loop through a list of keys:

for key in "${!hashtable[@]}"; do echo "key: $key, value ${hashtable[$key]}"; done;

For the example associative array declared earlier, the last line produces this output, resolving the value using the supplied key:

key: key2, value value2
key: key1, value value1

All of this found a use in a script that I created for adding new Markdown files to a Hugo instance because there was more than one shortcode that I wished to apply due to my having more than one content directory in use.

String replacement in BASH scripting

28th April 2023

During creation of new posts for a Hugo deployed website, I found myself using the same directories again and again. Since I invariably ended up making typing mistakes when I did so, I fancied the idea of using shortcodes instead.

Because I wanted to turn the shortcode into the actual directory name, I chose the use of text replacement in BASH scripting. Thankfully, this is simple and avoids the use of regular expressions, which can bring their own problems. The essential syntax is as follows:

variable="${variable/search text/replacement}"

For the variable, the search text is substituted with the replacement very easily. It is even possible to include the search and replacement text in variables. In the example below, this is achieved using variables called original and replacement.


Doing this got me my translatable shortcodes and converted them into actual directory names for the hugo command to process. There may be other uses yet.

Another way to supply the terminal output of one BASH command to another

26th April 2023

My usual way for sending the output of one command to another is to be place one command after another, separated by the pipe (|) operator and adjusting the second command as needed. However, I recently found that this approach does not work well for docker pull commands and I then uncovered another option.

That is to enclose the input command in $( ) within the output command. Within the parentheses, any kind of command can be declared and includes anything with piping as part of it. As long as text is being printed to the terminal, it can be fed to the second command and used as required. Thus, you can have something like the following:

docker pull $([command outputting name of image to download])

This approach has helped with other kinds of automation of docker image and container use and deployment because it is so general. There may be other uses found for the approach yet.

Removing duplicate characters from strings using BASH scripting

30th March 2023

Recently, I wanted to extract some text from the Linux command by word number only for multiple spaces to make things less predictable. The solution was to remove the duplicate spaces. This can be done using sed but you add the complexity of regular expressions if you opt for that solution. Instead, the tr command offers a neater approach. For removing duplicate spaces, the command takes the following form:

echo "test   test" | tr -s " "

Since I was piping some text to the command, that is what I have above. The tr command is intended to replace or delete characters and the -s switch is a shorthand for --squeeze-repeats. The actual character to be deduplicated is passed in quotes at the end; here, it is a space but it could be anything that is duplicated. The resulting text in this example becomes:

test test

After the processing, there is now only one space separating the two words, which is the solution that I sought. It certainly cut out any variability that I was encountering in my usage.

Rendering Markdown into HTML using PHP

3rd December 2022

One of the good things about using virtual private servers for hosting websites in preference to shared hosting or using a web application service like or Tumblr is that you get added control and flexibility. There was a time when HTML, CSS and client-side scripting were all that was available from the shared hosting providers that I was using. Then, static websites were my lot until it became possible to use Perl server side scripting. PHP predominates now, but Python or Ruby cannot be discounted either.

Being able to install whatever you want is a bonus as well, though it means that you also are responsible for the security of the containers that you use. There will be infrastructure security, but that of your own machine will be your own concern. Added power always means added responsibility, as many might say.

The reason that these thought emerge here is that getting PHP to render Markdown as HTML needs the installation of Composer. Without that, you cannot use the CommonMark package to do the required back-work. All the command that you see here will work on Ubuntu 22.04. First, you need to download Composer and executing the following command will accomplish this:

curl -o /tmp/composer-setup.php

Before the installation, it does no harm to ensure that all is well with the script before proceeding. That means that capturing the signature for the script using the following command is wise:


Once you have the script signature, then you can check its integrity using this command:

php -r "if (hash_file('SHA384', '/tmp/composer-setup.php') === '$HASH') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;"

The result that you want is “Installer verified”. If not, you have some investigating to do. Otherwise, just execute the installation command:

sudo php /tmp/composer-setup.php --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer

With Composer installed, the next step is to run the following command in the area where your web server expects files to be stored. That is important when calling the package in a PHP script.

composer require league/commonmark

Then, you can use it in a PHP script like so:

include ROOT_LOC . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use League\CommonMark\CommonMarkConverter;
$converter = new CommonMarkConverter();
echo $converter->convertToHtml(file_get_contents(ROOT_LOC . '<location of markdown file>));

The first line finds the absolute location of your web server file directory before using it when defining the locations of the autoload script and the required markdown file. The third line then calls in the CommonMark package, while the fourth sets up a new object for the desired transformation. The last line converts the input to HTML and outputs the result.

If you need to render the output of more than one Markdown file, then repeating the last line from the preceding block with a different file location is all you need to do. The CommonMark object persists and can be used like a variable without needing the reinitialisation to be repeated every time.

The idea of building a website using PHP to render Markdown has come to mind, but I will leave it at custom web pages for now. If an opportunity comes, then I can examine the idea again. Before, I had to edit HTML, but Markdown is friendlier to edit, so that is a small advance for now.

Moves to Hugo

30th November 2022

What amazes me is how things can become more complicated over time. As long as you knew HTML, CSS and JavaScript, building a website was not as onerous as long as web browsers played ball with it. Since then, things have got easier to use but more complex at the same time. One example is WordPress: in the early days, themes were much simpler than they are now. The web also has got more insecure over time, and that adds to complexity as well. It sometimes feels as if there is a choice to make between ease of use and simplicity.

It is against that background that I reassessed the technology that I was using on my public transport and Irish history websites. The former used WordPress, while the latter used Drupal. The irony was that the simpler website was using the more complex platform, so the act of going simpler probably was not before time. Alternatives to WordPress were being surveyed for the first of the pair, but none had quite the flexibility, pervasiveness and ease of use that WordPress offers.

There is another approach that has been gaining notice recently. One part of this is the use of Markdown for web publishing. This is a simple and distraction-free plain text format that can be transformed into something more readable. It sees usage in blogs hosted on GitHub, but also facilitates the generation of static websites. The clutter is absent for those who have no need of the Gutenberg Editor on WordPress.

With the content written in Markdown, it can be fed to a static website generator like Hugo. Using defined templates and fixed assets like CSS together with images and other static files, it can slot the content into HTML files very speedily since it is written in the Go programming language. Once you get acclimatised, there are no folder structures that cannot be used, so you get full flexibility in how you build out your website. Sitemaps and RSS feeds can be built at the same time, both using the same input as the HTML files.

In a nutshell, it automates what once needed manual effort used a code editor or a visual web page editor. The use of HTML snippets and layouts means that there is no necessity for hand-coding content, like there was at the start of the web. It also helps that Bootstrap can be built in using Node, so that gives a basis for any styling. Then, SCSS can take care of things, giving even more automation.

Given that there is no database involved in any of this, the required information has to be stored somewhere, and neither the Markdown content nor the layout files contain all that is needed. The main site configuration is defined in a single TOML file, and you can have a single one of these for every publishing destination; I have development and production servers, which makes this a very handy feature. Otherwise, every Markdown file needs a YAML header where titles, template references, publishing status and other similar information gets defined. The layouts then are linked to their components, and control logic and other advanced functionality can be added too.

Because static files are being created, it does mean that site searching and commenting, or contact pages cannot work like they would on a dynamic web platform. Often, external services are plugged in using JavaScript. One that I use for contact forms is Then, Zapier has had its uses in using the RSS feed to tweet site updates on Twitter when new content gets added. Though I made different choices, Disqus can be used for comments and Algolia for site searching. Generally, though, you can find yourself needing to pay, particularly if you need to remove advertising or gain advanced features.

Some comments service providers offer open source self-hosted options, but I found these difficult to set up and ended up not offering commenting at all. That was after I tried out Cactus Comments only to find that it was not discriminating between pages, so it showed the same comments everywhere. There are numerous alternatives like Remark42, Hyvor Talk, Commento, FastComments, Utterances, Isso, Mouthful, Muut and HyperComments but trying them all out was too time-consuming for what commenting was worth to me. It also explains why some static websites even send readers to Twitter if they have something to say, though I have not followed this way of working.

For searching, I added a JavaScript/JSON self-hosted component to the transport website, and it works well. However, it adds to the size of what a browser needs to download. That is not a major issue for desktop browsers, but the situation with mobile browsers is such that it has a sizeable effect. Testing with PageSpeed and Lighthouse highlighted this, even if I left things as they are. The solution works well in any case.

One thing that I have yet to work out is how to edit or add content while away from home. Editing files using an SSH connection is as much a possibility as setting up a Hugo publishing setup on a laptop. After that, there is the question of using a tablet or phone, since content management systems make everything web based. These are points that I have yet to explore.

As is natural with a code-based solution, there is a learning curve with Hugo. Reading a book provided some orientation, and looking on the web resolved many conundrums. There is good documentation on the project website, while forum discussions turn up on many a web search. Following any research, there was next to nothing that could not be done in some way.

Migration of content takes some forethought and took quite a bit of time, though there was an opportunity to carry some housekeeping as well. The history website was small, so copying and pasting sufficed. For the transport website, I used Python to convert what was on the database into Markdown files before refining the result. That provided some automation, but left a lot of work to be done afterwards.

The results were satisfactory, and I like the associated simplicity and efficiency. That Hugo works so fast means that it can handle large websites, so it is scalable. The new Markdown method for content production is not problematical so far apart from the need to make it more portable, and it helps that I found a setup that works for me. This also avoids any potential dealbreakers that continued development of publishing platforms like WordPress or Drupal could bring. For the former, I hope to remain with the Classic Editor indefinitely, but now have another option in case things go too far.

A look at the Julia programming language

19th November 2022

Several open-source computing languages get mentioned when talking about working with data. Among these are R and Python, but there are others; Julia is another one of these. It took a while before I got to check out Julia because I felt the need to get acquainted with R and Python beforehand. There are others like Lua to investigate too, but that can wait for now.

With the way that R is making an incursion into clinical data reporting analysis following the passage of decades when SAS was predominant, my explorations of Julia are inspired by a certain contrariness on my part. Alongside some small personal projects, there has been some reading in (digital) book form and online. Concerning the latter of these, there are useful tutorials like Introduction to Data Science: Learn Julia Programming, Maths & Data Science from Scratch or Julia Programming: a Hands-on Tutorial. Like what happens with R, there are online versions of published books available free of charge, and they include Julia Data Science and Interactive Visualization and Plotting with Julia. Video learning can help too and Jane Herriman has recorded and shared useful beginner’s guides on YouTube that start with the basics before heading onto more advanced subjects like multiple dispatch, broadcasting and metaprogramming.

This piece of learning has been made of simple self-inspired puzzles before moving on to anything more complex. That differs from my dalliance with R and Python, where I ventured into complexity first, not least because of testing them out with public COVID data. Eventually, I got around to doing that with Julia too though my interest was beginning to wane by then, and Julia’s abilities for creating multipage PDF files were such that PDF Toolkit was needed to help with this. Along the way, I have made use of such packages as CSV.jl, DataFrames.jl, DataFramesMeta, Plots, Gadfly.jl, XLSX.jl and JSON3.jl, among others. After that, there is PrettyTables.jl to try out, and anyone can look at the Beautiful Makie website to see what Makie can do. There are plenty of other packages creating graphs such as SpatialGraphs.jl, PGFPlotsX and GRUtils.jl. For formatting numbers, options include Format.jl and Humanize.jl.

So far, my primary usage has been with personal financial data together with automated processing and backup of photo files. The photo file processing has taken advantage of the ability to compile Julia scripts for added speed because just-in-time compilation always means there is a lag before the real work begins.

VS Code is my chosen editor for working with Julia scripts, since it has a plugin for the language. That adds the REPL, syntax highlighting, execution and data frame viewing capabilities that once were added to the now defunct Atom editor by its own plugin. While it would be nice to have a keyboard shortcut for script execution, the whole thing works well and is regularly updated.

Naturally, there have been a load of queries as I have gone along and the Julia Documentation has been consulted as well as Julia Discourse and Stack Overflow. The latter pair have become regular landing spots on many a Google search. One example followed a glitch that I encountered after a Julia upgrade when I asked a question about this and was directed to the XLSX.jl Migration Guides where I got the information that I needed to fix my code for it to run properly.

There is more learning to do as I continue to use Julia for various things. Once compiled, it does run fast like it has been promised. The syntax paradigm is akin to R and Python, but there are Julia-specific features too. If you have used the others, the learning curve is lessened but not eliminated completely. This is not an object-oriented language as such, but its functional nature makes it familiar enough for getting going with it. In short, the project has come a long way since it started more than ten years ago. There is much for the scientific programmer, but only time will tell if it usurped its older competitors. For now, I will remain interested in it.

  • All the views that you find expressed on here in postings and articles are mine alone and not those of any organisation with which I have any association, through work or otherwise. As regards editorial policy, whatever appears here is entirely of my own choice and not that of any other person or organisation.

  • Please note that everything you find here is copyrighted material. The content may be available to read without charge and without advertising but it is not to be reproduced without attribution. As it happens, a number of the images are sourced from stock libraries like iStockPhoto so they certainly are not for abstraction.

  • With regards to any comments left on the site, I expect them to be civil in tone of voice and reserve the right to reject any that are either inappropriate or irrelevant. Comment review is subject to automated processing as well as manual inspection but whatever is said is the sole responsibility of the individual contributor.