Technology Tales

Adventures & experiences in contemporary technology

What to do when a GPG signature becomes invalid for a package repository on Linux Mint

12th September 2024

During a package update on my main Linux system, I encountered the following kind of error message:

An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: stable InRelease: The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG <GPG Key> GitHub CLI

The message indicated a problem with the GPG signature verification for the GitHub CLI repository. The cause was that the signature for the repository was invalid, preventing the package manager from updating the repository’s index files. The first step then was to remove the invalid GPG key using the following command:

sudo apt-key del <GPG Key>

With the invalid GPG key removed, the next step is to add the new GPG key for the GitHub CLI repository by issuing the following command:

curl -fsSL | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg > /dev/null

Once I had the new GPG key, I was able to use my usual system update process without any problem. The error message was gone, and updates and upgrades proceeded as intended.

Resolving “repository doesn’t support architecture i386” error when checking for updates to Brave Browser on Linux

7th June 2024

Recently, I started to observe the following message when doing my usual update routine on Linux Mint (Debian, Ubuntu and their variants are likely affected as well):

N: Skipping acquire of configured file 'main/binary-i386/Packages' as repository ' stable InRelease' doesn't support architecture 'i386'

As the message suggests, there was something amiss with the repository set up for Brave, a browser that I added for extra privacy. Since Firefox remains the main one that I use, Brave is something that I have in hand for when I need it. Handily, its installation routine adds in repository information for keeping it up to date. However, there is an issue with what you find in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/brave-browser-release.list. By default, the line appears like thus:

deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg] stable main

To avoid the i386 error, it needs to look like this instead:

deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg arch=amd64] stable main

The difference between the tow is the presence of arch=amd64 in the second version. This stops the search for non-existent i386 files, the 32 bit version in other words. With Y2K2038 in the offing, the days of 32 bit computing architectures are numbered because there is a real limit to the magnitude of the dates that can be represented in any case. Thus, sticking with 64 bit ones is both the present for many and the future for all.

Upgrading from OpenMediaVault 6.x to OpenMediaVault 7.x

29th May 2024

Having an older PC to upgrade, I decided to install OpenMediaVault on there a few years ago after adding in 6 TB and 4 TB hard drives for storage, a Gigabit network card to speed up backups and a new BeQuiet! power supply to make it quieter. It has been working smoothly since then, and the release of OpenMediaVault 7.x had me wondering how to move to it.

Usefully, I enabled an SSH service for remote logins and set up an account for anything that I needed to do. This includes upgrades, taking backups of what is on my NAS drives, and even shutting down the machine when I am done with what I need to do with it.

Using an SSH session, the first step was to switch to the administrator account and issue the following command to ensure that my OpenMediaVault 6.x installation was as up-to-date as it could be:


Once that had completed what it needed to do, the next step was to do the upgrade itself with the following command:


With that complete, it was time to reboot the system, and I fired up the web administration interface and spotted a kernel update that I applied. Again, the system was restarted, and further updates were noticed and these were applied, again through the web interface. The whole thing is based on Debian 12.x, but I am not complaining as long as it quietly does exactly what I need of it. There was one slight glitch when doing an update after the changeover, and that was quickly sorted.

Later on, I ran into trouble because I had changed my broadband. Because the router address had changed, the system lost its access to the rest of the internet. The web interface also got disable and was issuing 502: Bad Gateway errors. The solution was to execute the following command with superuser privileges:

omv-salt stage run deploy

That took quite a while to run, though. After it completed, I needed to work out what the administrator credentials were. With that done, I could log in and update the network details as needed to restore external internet access. Since then, all has been well.

Getting rid of the “Get more security upgrades through Ubuntu Pro with ‘esm-apps’ enabled” message when performing a system update

15th April 2024

Not so long ago, I got the above message while running sudo apt upgrade on an Ubuntu Server system. This was not the first time that this kind of thing happened to me, so I started searching the web for a solution. You do get to see complaints about advertising, but these are never useful.

Accordingly, here are some possible ways of remediating the situation:

  • Execute the following commands to disable the responsible services, renaming the configuration file to prevent it from being used (deleting or editing the configuration file to remove the unwanted content are other options):

    sudo systemctl mask apt-news.service

    sudo systemctl mask esm-cache.service

    sudo mv /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20apt-esm-hook.conf

  • Alternatively, simply remove the ubuntu-advantage-tools package, which contains the /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20apt-esm-hook.conf file.
  • Another option is to remove the ubuntu-pro-client package.
  • Lastly, there also is the possibility of enabling ESM, though that was not desirable for me.

In my case, it may have been the penultimate option on the list that I chose. In any case, I was rid of the unwanted message.

Using a BASH command to count the files in a directory

12th March 2024

As part of my backup workflow, I maintain a machine running OpenMediaVault that I only power up when backups are to be performed. Typically, this often happens when I have new photography images to load, and I have a NAS that acts as an online backup system. The OpenMediaVault machine is a near-offline counterpart to the NAS for added safety.

Recently, I needed to check on the number of image files in a directory from an SSH session because of a need to create a new repository for 2024. Some files from this year had ended up in the 2023 one, and I needed to be sure that nothing from last year ended in the 2024 folder, or vice versa. Getting a file count from a trusted source was a quick way of doing exactly this.

Due to clumsiness with the NAS, I had to do this using the OpenMediaVault machine. While I could go mounting drives on an interim basis, it was quicker to work from a BASH session. The trick was to use the wc command for counting the lines output by an invocation of the ls command. An example follows:

ls -l | wc -l

The -l (as in l for Lima) switch forces wc to count lines, while the counterpart (same letter) for ls forces it to list the contents in long form, one item per line. Thus, counting the number of lines gets you the count of the number of files. The call to the ls command can be customised to add other things life the number of dot files, but the above was enough for my purposes. When the files in both 2023 directories matched, I was satisfied that all was in order.

Removing redundant kernels from Ubuntu

29th October 2022

Recently, a message appear on some web servers that I have that exhorted me to upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04.1 using the do-release-upgrade command. In the interests of remaining current, I did just that to get another message, one like the following:

The upgrade needs a total of [amount of space with units] free space on disk `/boot`.
Please free at least an additional [amount of space with units] of disk space on `/boot`.
Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations
using `sudo apt-get clean`.

Using sudo apt-get clean did not resolve the problem so the advice given was of no use. The actual problem was that there were too many old kernels cluttering up /boot and searching around the web provided that wisdom. What also came up was a single command for fixing the problem. However, removing the wrong kernel can trash a system so I took a more cautious approach. First, I listed the kernels to be removed and checked that they did not include the currently running one. This was done with the following command (broken up over several lines for clarity using the backslash character to denote continuation) and running uname -r found the details of the running kernel:

dpkg -l linux-{image,headers}-"[0-9]*" \

| awk '/ii/{print $2}' \

| grep -ve "$(uname -r \

| sed -r 's/-[a-z]+//')"

The dpkg command listed the installed kernels with awk, grep and sed filtering out unwanted sections of the text. The awk command takes the tabular output from dpkg and turns it into a list. The -v switch on the grep command gets the lines that do not match the search expression created by the sed command, while the -e switch makes grep look for patterns. The sed command removes all letters from the output of the uname command, where the -r switch produces the kernel release details, to leave on the release number of the current kernel. On being satisfied that nothing untoward would happen, the full command below (also broken up over several lines for clarity using the backslash character to denote continuation) could be executed.

sudo apt purge $(dpkg -l linux-{image,headers}-"[0-9]*" \

| awk '/ii/{print $2}' \

| grep -ve "$(uname -r \

| sed -r 's/-[a-z]+//')")

This apt to purge the unwanted kernels, thus freeing up enough space for the upgrade to continue. That happened without significant incident though there were some remediations needed on the PHP side to get the website working smoothly again.

Creating a VirtualBox virtual disk image using the Linux command line

9th September 2019

Much of the past weekend was spent getting a working Debian 10 installation up and running in a VirtualBox virtual machine. Because I chose the Cinnamon desktop environment, the process was not as smooth as I would have liked so a minimal installation was performed before I started to embellish as I liked. Along the way, I got to wondering if I could create virtual hard drives using the command line and I found that something like the following did what was needed:

VBoxManage createmedium disk --filename <full path including file name without extension> -size <size in MiB> --format VDI --variant Standard

Most of the options are self-explanatory part from the one named variant. This defines whether the VDI file expands to the maximum size specified using the size parameter or is reserved with the size defined in that parameter. Two VDI files were created in this way and I used these to replace their Debian 8 predecessors and even to save a bit of space too. If you want, you can find out more in the user documentation but this post hopefully gets you started anyway.

Lightening of desktop background images on Linux Mint Debian Edition running in Virtualbox

22nd October 2018

After a recent upgrade to Linux Mint Debian Edition 3 in a VirtualBox virtual machine that I had running its predecessor, I began to notice that background images were being loaded with more washed out of faded colours. This happened at startup so selecting another background image worked as intended until the same thing happened to that after a system restart.

This problem is not new and has affected the Cinnamon desktop in the main Linux Mint variant (the one that is based on Ubuntu) and issuing the following command in a terminal session is a suggested solution:

gsettings set org.cinnamon.muffin background-transition fade-in

In my case, that solved the problem and desktop background image display is as it should be since I executed the above. All it took was a change to a system setting.

Halting constant disk activity on a WD My Cloud NAS

6th June 2018

Recently, I noticed that the disk in my WD My Cloud NAS was active all the time so it reminded me of another time when this happened. Then, I needed to activate the SSH service on the device and log in as root with the password welc0me. That default password was changed before doing anything else. Since the device runs on Debian Linux, that was a simple case of using the passwd command and following the prompts. One word of caution is in order since only root can be used for SSH connections to a WD My Cloud NAS and any other user that you set up will not have these privileges.

The cause of all the activity was two services: wdmcserverd and wdphotodbmergerd. One way to halt their actions is to stop the services using these commands:

/etc/init.d/wdmcserverd stop
/etc/init.d/wdphotodbmergerd stop

The above act only works until the next system restart so these command should make for a more persistent disabling of the culprits:

update-rc.d -f wdmcserverd remove
update-rc.d -f wdphotodbmergerd remove

If all else fails, removing executable privileges from the normally executable files that the services need will work and it is a solution that I have tried with success between system updates:

cd /etc/init.d
chmod 644 wdmcserverd

Between all of these, it should be possible to have you WD My Cloud NAS go into power saving mode as it should though turning off additional services such as DLNA may be what some need to do. Having turned off these already, I only needed to disable the photo thumbnail services that were the cause of my machine’s troubles.

Compressing a VirtualBox VDI file for a Linux guest

6th June 2016

In a previous posting, I talked about compressing a virtual hard disk for a Windows guest system running in VirtualBox on a Linux system. Since then, I have needed to do the same for a Linux guest following some housekeeping. The Linux distribution used is Debian so the instructions are relevant to that and maybe its derivatives such as Ubuntu, Linux Mint and their kind.

While there are other alternatives like dd, I am going to stick with a utility named zerofree to overwrite the newly freed up disk space with zeroes to aid compression later on in the process for this and the first step is to install it using the following command:

apt-get install zerofree

Once that has been completed, the next step is to unmount the relevant disk partition. Luckily for me, what I needed to compress was an area that I reserved for synchronisation with Dropbox. If it was the root area where the operating system files are kept, a live distro would be needed instead. In any event, the required command takes the following form with the mount point being whatever it is on your system (/home, for instance):

sudo umount [mount point]

With the disk partition unmounted, zerofree can be run by issuing a command that looks like this:

zerofree -v /dev/sdxN

Above, the -v switch tells zerofree to display its progress and a continually updating percentage count tells you how it is going. The /dev/sdxN piece is generic with the x corresponding to the letter assigned to the disk on which the partition resides (a, b, c or whatever) and the N is the partition number (1, 2, 3 or whatever; before GPT, the maximum was 4). Putting all this together, we get an example like /dev/sdb2.

Once, that had completed, the next step is to shut down the VM and execute a command like the following on the host Linux system ([file location/file name] needs to be replaced with whatever applies on your system):

VBoxManage modifyhd [file location/file name].vdi --compact

With the zero filling in place, there was a lot of space released when I tried this. While it would be nice for dynamic virtual disks to reduce in size automatically, I accept that there may be data integrity risks with those so the manual process will suffice for now. It has not been needed that often anyway.

  • All the views that you find expressed on here in postings and articles are mine alone and not those of any organisation with which I have any association, through work or otherwise. As regards editorial policy, whatever appears here is entirely of my own choice and not that of any other person or organisation.

  • Please note that everything you find here is copyrighted material. The content may be available to read without charge and without advertising but it is not to be reproduced without attribution. As it happens, a number of the images are sourced from stock libraries like iStockPhoto so they certainly are not for abstraction.

  • With regards to any comments left on the site, I expect them to be civil in tone of voice and reserve the right to reject any that are either inappropriate or irrelevant. Comment review is subject to automated processing as well as manual inspection but whatever is said is the sole responsibility of the individual contributor.