Technology Tales

Adventures & experiences in contemporary technology

%sysfunc and missing spaces

10th June 2009

Recently, I was trying something like this and noted some odd behaviour:

data _null_;
file fileref;
put "text %sysfunc(pathname(work)) more text";

This is the kind of thing that I was getting:

text c:\sasworkmore text

In other words, the space after %sysfunc was being ignored and, since I was creating and executing a Windows batch file using SAS 8.2, the command line action wasn’t doing what was expected. The fix was simple but I reckoned that I’d share what I saw anyway, in case it helped anyone else:

data _null_;
file fileref;
x="text %sysfunc(pathname(work))"||" more text";
put x;

AND & OR, a cautionary tale

27th March 2009

The inspiration for this post is a situation where having the string “OR” or “AND” as an input to a piece of SAS Macro code breaking a program that I had written. Here is a simplified example of what I was doing:

%macro test;
%let doms=GE GT NE LT LE AND OR;
%let lv_count=1;
%do %while (%scan(&doms,&lv_count,' ') ne );
%put &lv_count;
%let lv_count=%eval(&lv_count+1);
%mend test;


The loop proceeds well until the string “AND” is met and “OR” has the same effect. The result is the following message appears in the log:

ERROR: A character operand was found in the %EVAL function or %IF condition where a numeric operand is required. The condition was: %scan(&doms,&lv_count,' ') ne
ERROR: The condition in the %DO %WHILE loop, , yielded an invalid or missing value, . The macro will stop executing.
ERROR: The macro TEST will stop executing.

Both AND & OR (case doesn’t matter but I am sticking with upper case for sake of clarity) seem to be reserved words in a macro DO WHILE loop while equality mnemonics like GE cause no problem. Perhaps, the fact that and equality operator is already in the expression helps. Regardless, the fix is a simple one:

%macro test;
%let doms=GE GT NE LT LE AND OR;
%let lv_count=1;
%do %while ("%scan(&doms,&lv_count,' ')" ne "");
%put &lv_count;
%let lv_count=%eval(&lv_count+1);
%mend test;


Now none of the strings extracted from the macro variable &DOMS will appear as bare words and confuse the SAS Macro processor but you do have to make sure that you are testing for the null string (“” or ”) or you’ll send your program into an infinite loop, always a potential problem with DO WHILE loops so they need to be used with care. All in all, an odd looking message gets an easy solution without recourse to macro quoting functions like %NRSTR or %SUPERQ.

Working with the ODS templates and styles when batch processing

8th December 2008

I ran into some trouble with creating new templates and styles while running a SAS job in batch mode. The cause was the user of the RSASUSER switch on the SAS command. This sets the SASUSER library to be read-only and that is what is used to store new templates and styles by default. The fix is to switch these to another library to which there is write access, WORK, for example. Here’s the line of code that achieves the manoeuvre:

ODS PATH work.templat(update) sasuser.templat(read) sashelp.tmplmst(read);

Apparently, the same change might be needed for stored processes too so it’s one to keep in mind.

Transferring data between SAS and R

5th June 2008

A question regarding the ability to transfer of data between SAS and R set me off on a spot of investigation a while back and I have always planned to share the results of my labours. Once I managed to locate the required documentation, things became clearer with further inspection. Functions from the foreign package seem to offer the most from the data import and export point of view so they’re what I’ll be featuring in this posting.

I’ll start with importing and using the read.ssd function makes life so much easier for getting SAS data into R. I discovered that the foreign package may not be loaded by default but you can determine this easily by issuing the following command:


If “package:foreign” isn’t in the list, then you need to issue the following function call:


Of course, if the foreign package isn’t installed, none of this will work. It should live in the library sub-folder of the main R installation directory but if it isn’t there, then downloading the relevant binary package from CRAN is in order. Assuming that all is installed, then a command like the following will perform the needful:

read.ssd("c:/data","data1",sascmd="C:/Program Files/SAS Institute/SAS/V8/sas.exe")

This creates a temporary SAS program that converts the SAS data set into a transport file for reading by another R function that is called in the background, read.xport. Form my experience, it all seems to work fairly seamlessly.

To get data out of R and into SAS is a multi-stage process, even with the foreign package. There are other ways but using the write.foreign seems more useful than most and here’s an example function call:


No SAS data sets are created at this stage but a text file is generated along with a SAS program for converting it into a data set. Running the SAS program is a separate step that follows the creation of the two files. Even if it is less streamlined than read.ssd, write.foreign does make easier to transfer data into SAS than having to write a program from scratch to read in write.table output.

In summary, R can neither read or write SAS data sets by itself so you need SAS installed to really make things happen. SAS gets called by read.ssd and I feel that it would be better if was called by write.foreign also rather than a SAS program generated for execution later on. Even so, it is good to see some custom functionality being provided that makes life easier. There’s also the hmisc package but my experiences while working with that on S-Plus have been such that it compares less favourably with foreign on the reliability front. Saying that, things may have changed since I last tried it.

SAS Data Step Hash Objects and Memory

3rd June 2008

Using hash objects in SAS data step code offers some great advantages from the speed point of view; having a set of data in memory rather than on disk makes things much faster. However, that means that you need to keep more of an eye on the amount of memory that’s being used. The first thing is to work out how much memory is available and it’s not necessarily the total amount installed on the system or, for that matter, the amount of memory per processor on a multi-processor system. What you really need is the number, in bytes, that is stored in the XMRLMEM system option and here’s a piece of code that’ll do just that:

data _null_;
put mem;

The XMRLMEM is itself an option that you can only declare in the system call that starts SAS up in the first place and there are advantages to keeping it under control, particularly on large multi-user servers. However, if your hash objects start to exceed what is available, here’s the sort of thing that you can expect to see:

ERROR: Hash object added 49136 items when memory failure occurred.
FATAL: Insufficient memory to execute data step program. Aborted during the EXECUTION phase.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of insufficient memory.
NOTE: SAS set option OBS=0 and will continue to check statements. This may cause NOTE: No observations in data set.

Those messages are a cue for you to learn to keep those hash objects and to only ever make them as large as your memory settings will allow. Another thing to note is that hash objects are best retained for rather fixed data volumes instead of ones that could outgrow their limits. There’s a certain amount of common sense in operation here but it may be that promoters of hash objects don’t mention their limitations as much as they should. If you want to find out more, SAS have a useful paper on their website and the their Knowledge Base has more on the error messages that you can get.

Controlling what the wpgm command calls in Windows SAS

30th November 2007

I was setting up a key mapping in SAS 8.1 such that the log and output windows are cleared and a SAS program run in the most recently used program editor window. The idea was that debugging would be easier and command was what you see below:

log; clear; output; clear; wpgm; submit

I was having trouble getting SAS to pick up the most recently used Enhanced Editor window and it was opening up an old style Program Editor window in its place. If I had wanted to use that, I would have used pgm and not wpgm. What was conspiring against me was a pesky system option. Pottering over to Tools > Options > Preferences and navigating to the Edit tab brought me to the cause of the problem: the Use Enhanced Editor check box was in the clear and fixing that set me on my way. SAS 9 could also be afflicted by the same irritation and that is where i got the screenshot that you see below where everything is hunky dory.

SAS 9 Edit Preferences

Append or update?

25th November 2007

SAS can generate many types of output: plain text, XML, PDF, RTF, Excel, etc. With all of these and the SAS procedures like PROC REPORT, PROC TABULATE and so on, it might seem surprising for me to say that I have been generating output with data step PUT and FILE statements. There was, of course, a reason for this: creating text files for loading into a new database-driven software application. At one stage, I also did some data interleaving at the output stage and that’s when I discovered that the default behaviour for SAS FILE statements is to completely overwrite a file unless the MOD option was specified. Adding that switches on APPEND behaviour. The code below adds a header in one step while adding data below it in another. I know that there are slicker ways to achieve this like setting up your data as you want it or using _N_ to ensure that something only appears once but here’s another way. As per the Perl, there’s often more than one way to do something with SAS.

data _null_;
file ds_data;
put "fieldtype;datasetname;datasetlabel;datasetlayout;datasetclass;datasetstandardversion";

data _null_;
set ds_ispec;
file ds_data mod;
put line;

A throwback to the past: an appearance of MACROGEN

4th October 2007

Recently, I was reviewing a log of a program being run by SAS 9.1.3 on a Solaris system and spotted lines like the following:


NOTE: PROCEDURE DISPLAY used (Total process time):
real time           0.73 seconds
cpu time            0.50 seconds


The appearance of the word MACROGEN made me wonder if there was another system option that I had missed. A quick search of the SAS website threw up a support note that shed some light on the situation. Apparently, MACROGEN is the SAS v5 forbear of today’s MPRINT, MLOGIC, and SYMBOLGEN options and would seem to be obsolete in these days. Having started programming SAS in the days of version 6, I had missed out on MACROGEN and so use its replacements instead, hence my never coming across the option. Quite what it’s doing showing up in a SAS 9 log is another story: and there I was thinking that SAS 9 was the result of a full rewrite… Now, I am not so sure but at least I know what MACROGEN is if someone ever takes the time to ask me.

WARNING: The quoted string currently being processed has become more than 262 characters long…

20th June 2007

This is a SAS error that can be seen from time to time:

WARNING: The quoted string currently being processed has become more than 262 characters long. You may have unbalanced quotation marks.

In the days prior to SAS version 8, this was something that needed to be immediately corrected. In these days of SAS character variables extending beyond 200 characters in length, it becomes a potential millstone around a SAS programmer’s neck. If you run a piece of code like this:

data _null_;
x="[string with more than 262 characters (putting in an actual string wrecks the appearance of the website)]";

What you get back is the warning message at the heart of the matter. The code is legitimate and works fine but the spurious error is returned because SAS hasn’t found a closing quote by the required position and the 262 character limit is a hard constraint that cannot be extended. There is another way though: the new QUOTELENMAX option in SAS9. Setting it as follows removes the messages in most situations (yes, I did find one where it didn’t play ball):

options noquotelenmax;

This does however beg the question as to how you check for unbalanced quotes in SAS logs these days; clearly, looking for a closing quote is an outmoded approach. Thanks to code highlighting, it is far easier to pick them out before the code gets submitted. The other question that arises is why you would cause this to happen anyway but there are occasions where you assign the value of a macro variable to a data set one and the string is longer than the limit set by SAS. Here’s some example code:

data _null_;
length y $400;
call symput("y",y)

data _null_;

My own weakness is where I use PROC SQL to combine strings into a macro variable, a lazy man’s method of combining all distinct values for a variable into a delimited list like this:

proc sql noprint;
select distinct compress(string_var) into :vals separated by " " from dataset;

Of course, creating a long delimited string using the CATX (new to SAS9) function avoids the whole situation and there are other means but there may be occasions, like the use of system macro variables, where it is unavoidable and NOQUOTELENMAX makes a much better impression when these arise.

Restrictions on SAS libraries when macro catalogs are used

8th June 2007

When you open up a SAS macro catalog so that its entries for use by other programs, it has a major impact on the ability to change the library reference used to access the catalog after it has apparently been unlocked.

options mstored sasmstore=bld_v001;

Using the line above will open the catalog for reading but there is no way to close it in order to change the library reference or deassign it until the SAS session is shut down. Even this line will not do the trick:

options nomstored sasmstore='';

What it means in practice is that if you have a standard macro setting up access to a number of standard macro libraries, then that setup macro needs to check for any library references used and not try to reassign them, causing errors in the process.

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