Technology Tales

Adventures & experiences in contemporary technology

On upgrading from Fedora 13 to Fedora 14

7th November 2010

My Fedora box recently got upgraded to the latest version of the distribution (14) and I stuck to a method that I have used successfully before and one that isn’t that common with variants of Linux either. What I did was to go to the Fedora website and download a full DVD image, burn it to a disk and boot from that. Then, I chose the upgrade option from the menus and all went smoothly with only commonplace options needing selection from the menus and no data was lost either. Apparently. this way of going about things is only offered by the DVD option because the equivalent Live CD versions only do full installations.

However, there was another option that I fancied trying but was stymied by messages about a troublesome Dropbox repository. As I later discovered, that would have been easily sorted but I went for a tried and tested method instead. This was a pity because only two commands would have needed to be issued when logged in as root and it would have been good to have had a go with them:

yum update yum
yum --releasever=14 update --skip-broken

These may have done what I habitually do with Ubuntu upgrades but trying them out either will have to await the release of the next version or my getting around to setting up a Fedora virtual machine to see what happens. The latter course of action might be sensible anyway to see if all works without any problem before doing it for a real PC installation.

Ridding Fedora of Unwanted Software Repositories

4th November 2010

Like other Linux distributions, Fedora has the software repository scheme of things for software installation and updating. However, it could do with having the ability to remove unwanted repositories through a GUI but it doesn’t. What you need to do instead is switch to root in a terminal using the the command su -- and entering you root password before navigating to /etc/yum.repos.d/ to delete the troublesome [file name].repo file. Recently, I needed to do this after upgrading to Fedora 14 or Yum wouldn’t work from the command line, which is the way that I tend to update Fedora (yum -y update is command that I use and it automatically does all installations unattended until it is finished doing what’s needed). The offending repository, or “Software Source” as these things are called in the GUI, was belonging to Dropbox and even disabling it didn’t make Yum operate from the command like it should so it had to go. Maybe Dropbox haven’t caught up with the latest release of Fedora but that can be resolved another day.

Taking SUDO beyond Ubuntu

27th October 2010

Though some may call it introducing a security risk, being able to execute administrator commands in Ubuntu using SUDO and GKSU by default is handy. It’s not the only Linux distribution with the facility though because the /etc/sudoers file is found in Debian and I plan to have a look into Fedora. The thing that is needs to be done is to add the following line to the aforementioned file (you will need to do this as root):

[your user name] ALL=(ALL) ALL

One that is done, you are all set. Just make sure that you’re using a secure password though and removing the SUDO/GKSU permissions is as simple as reversing the change.

Update on 2011-12-03: The exact same can be done for both Arch Linux and Fedora, The same file locations apply too.

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