Technology Tales

Adventures & experiences in contemporary technology

Using associative arrays in scripting for BASH version 4 and above

29th April 2023

Associated arrays get called different names in different computing languages: dictionaries, hash tables and so on. What is held in common is that they essentially are lists of key value pairs. In the case of BASH, you need at least version 4 to make use of this facility. In Linux Mint, I get 5.1.16, but macOS users apparently are still on BASH 3, so this post may not help them.

To declare an associative array in a later version of BASH, the following command gets issued:

declare -A hashtable

The code to add a key value pair then takes the following form:


Several values can be added to an empty array like this:

hashtable=( ["key1"]="value1" ["key2"]="value2" )

Declaration and instantiation of an associative can be done in the same line as follows:

declare -A hashtable=( ["key1"]="value1 ["key2"]="value2")

Handily, it is possible to loop through the entries in an associative array. It is possible to do this for keys and for values, once you expand out the appropriate list. The following expands a list of values:


Expanding a list of values needs something like this:


Looping through a list of values needs something like the following:

for val in "${hashtable[@]}"; do echo "$val"; done;

The above has been placed on a single line with semicolon delimiters for brevity, but this can be put on several lines with no semicolons for added clarity as long as correct indentation is followed. It is also possible to similarly loop through a list of keys:

for key in "${!hashtable[@]}"; do echo "key: $key, value ${hashtable[$key]}"; done;

For the example associative array declared earlier, the last line produces this output, resolving the value using the supplied key:

key: key2, value value2
key: key1, value value1

All of this found a use in a script that I created for adding new Markdown files to a Hugo instance because there was more than one shortcode that I wished to apply due to my having more than one content directory in use.

String replacement in BASH scripting

28th April 2023

During creation of new posts for a Hugo deployed website, I found myself using the same directories again and again. Since I invariably ended up making typing mistakes when I did so, I fancied the idea of using shortcodes instead.

Because I wanted to turn the shortcode into the actual directory name, I chose the use of text replacement in BASH scripting. Thankfully, this is simple and avoids the use of regular expressions, which can bring their own problems. The essential syntax is as follows:

variable="${variable/search text/replacement}"

For the variable, the search text is substituted with the replacement very easily. It is even possible to include the search and replacement text in variables. In the example below, this is achieved using variables called original and replacement.


Doing this got me my translatable shortcodes and converted them into actual directory names for the hugo command to process. There may be other uses yet.

Another way to supply the terminal output of one BASH command to another

26th April 2023

My usual way for sending the output of one command to another is to be place one command after another, separated by the pipe (|) operator and adjusting the second command as needed. However, I recently found that this approach does not work well for docker pull commands and I then uncovered another option.

That is to enclose the input command in $( ) within the output command. Within the parentheses, any kind of command can be declared and includes anything with piping as part of it. As long as text is being printed to the terminal, it can be fed to the second command and used as required. Thus, you can have something like the following:

docker pull $([command outputting name of image to download])

This approach has helped with other kinds of automation of docker image and container use and deployment because it is so general. There may be other uses found for the approach yet.

Changing the number of lines produced by the tail command in a Linux or UNIX session

25th April 2023

Since I often use the tail command to look at the end of a log file and occasionally in combination with the watch command for constant updates, I got to wondering if the number of lines issued by the tail command could be changed. That is a simple thing to do with the -n switch. All you need is something like the following:

tail -n 20 logfile.log

Here the value of 20 is the number of lines produced when it would be 10 by default, and logfile.log gets replaced by the path and name of what you are examining. One thing to watch is that your terminal emulator can show all the lines being displayed. If you find that you are not seeing all the lines that you expect, then that might be the cause.

While you could find this by looking through the documentation, things do not always register with you during dry reading of something laden with lists of parameters or switches. That is an affliction with tools that do a lot and/or allow a lot of customisation.

Getting Adobe Lightroom Classic to remember the search filters that you have set

23rd April 2023

With Windows 10 support to end in October 2025 and VirtualBox now offering full support for Windows 11, I have moved onto Windows 11 for personal use while retaining Windows 10 for professional work, at least for now. Of course, a lot could happen before 2025 with rumours of a new Windows version, the moniker Windows 12 has been mooted, but all that is speculation for now.

As part of the changeover, I moved the Adobe apps that I have in an ongoing subscription, Lightroom Classic and Photoshop are the main ones for me, to the new virtual machine. That meant that some settings from the previous one were lost and needed reinstating.

One of those was the persistence of Library Filters, so I had to find out how to get that sorted. If my memory is not fooling me, this seemed to be a default action in the past and that meant that I was surprised by the change in behaviour.

Nevertheless, I had to go to the File menu, select Library Filters (it is near the bottom of the menu in the current version at the time of writing) and switch on Lock Filters by clicking on it to get a tick mark preceding the text. There is another setting called Remember Each Source’s Filters Separately in the same place that can be set in the same manner if so desired, and I am experimenting with that at the moment, even though I have not bothered with this in the past.

Avoiding permissions, times or ownership failure messages when using rsync

22nd April 2023

The rsync command is one that I use heavily for doing backups and web publishing. The latter means that it is part of how I update websites built using Hugo because new and/or updated files need uploading. The command also sees usage when uploading files onto other websites as well. During one of these operations, and I am unsure now as to which type is relevant, I encountered errors about being unable to set permissions.

The cause was the encompassing -a option. This is a shorthand for -rltpgoD, and the individual options perform the following:

-r: recursive transfer, copying all contents within a directory hierarchy

-l: symbolic links copied as symbolic links

-t: preserve times

-p: preserve permissions

-g: preserve groups

-o: preserve owners

-D: preserve device and special files

The solution is to some of the options if they are inappropriate. The minimum is to omit the option for permissions preservation, but others may not apply between different servers either, especially when operating systems differ. Removing the options for preserving permissions, groups and owners results in something like this:

rsync -rltD [rest of command]

While it can be good to have a more powerful command with the setting of a single option, it can mean trying to do too much. Another way to avoid permissions and similar errors is to have consistency between source and destination files systems, but that is not always possible.

Removing duplicate characters from strings using BASH scripting

30th March 2023

Recently, I wanted to extract some text from the Linux command by word number only for multiple spaces to make things less predictable. The solution was to remove the duplicate spaces. This can be done using sed but you add the complexity of regular expressions if you opt for that solution. Instead, the tr command offers a neater approach. For removing duplicate spaces, the command takes the following form:

echo "test   test" | tr -s " "

Since I was piping some text to the command, that is what I have above. The tr command is intended to replace or delete characters and the -s switch is a shorthand for --squeeze-repeats. The actual character to be deduplicated is passed in quotes at the end; here, it is a space but it could be anything that is duplicated. The resulting text in this example becomes:

test test

After the processing, there is now only one space separating the two words, which is the solution that I sought. It certainly cut out any variability that I was encountering in my usage.

Picking out a word from a string by its position using BASH scripting

28th March 2023

My wanting to execute one command using the text output of another recently got me wondering about picking out a block of characters using its position in a space-delimited list. All this needed to be done from the Linux command line or in a shell script. The output text took a form like the following:

text1 text2 text3 text4

What I wanted in my case was something like the third word above. The solution was to use the cut command with the -d (for delimiter) and -f (for field number) switches. The following yields text3 as the output:

echo "text1 text2 text3 text4" | cut -d " " -f 3

Here the delimiter is the space character but it can be anything that is relevant for the string in question. Then, the “3” picks out the required block of text. For this to work, the text needs to be organised consistently and for the delimiters never to be duplicated, though there is a way of dealing with the latter as well.

Why all the commas?

4th December 2022

In recent times, I have been making use of Grammarly for proofreading what I write for online consumption. That has applied as much to what I write in Markdown form as it has for what is authored using content management systems like WordPress and Textpattern.

The free version does nag you to upgrade to a paid subscription, but is not my main irritation. That would be its inflexibility because you cannot turn off rules that you think intrusive, at least in the free version. This comment is particularly applicable to the unofficial plugin that you can install in Visual Studio Code. To me, the add-on for Firefox feels less scrupulous.

There are other options though, and one that I have encountered is LanguageTool. This also offers a Firefox add-on, but there are others not only for other browsers but also Microsoft Word. Recent versions of LibreOffice Writer can connect to a LanguageTool server using in-built functionality, too. There are also dedicated editors for iOS, macOS or Windows.

The one operating that does not get specific add-on support is Linux, but there is another option there. That uses an embedded HTTP server that I installed using Homebrew and set to start automatically using cron. This really helps when using the LanguageTool Linter extension in Visual Studio Code because it can connect to that instead of the public API, which bans your IP address if you overuse it. The extension is also configurable with the ability to add exceptions (both grammatical and spelling), though I appear to have enabled smart formatting only to have it mess up quotes in a Markdown file that then caused Hugo rendering to fail.

Like Grammarly, there is an online editor that offers more if you choose an annual subscription. That is cheaper than the one from Grammarly, so that caused me to go for that instead to get rephrasing suggestions both in the online editor and through a browser add-on. It is better not to get nagged all the time…

The title may surprise you, but I have been using co-ordinating conjunctions without commas for as long as I can remember. Both Grammarly and LanguageTool pick up on these, so I had to do some investigation to find a gap in my education, especially since LanguageTool is so good at finding them. What I also found is how repetitive my writing style can be, which also means that rephrasing has been needed. That, after all, is the point of a proofreading tool, and it can rankle if you have fixed opinions about grammar or enjoy creative writing.

Putting some off-copyright texts from other authors triggers all kinds of messages, but you just have to ignore these. Turning off checks needs care, even if turning them on again is easy to do. There, however, is the danger that artificial intelligence tools could make writing too uniform, since there is only so much that these technologies can do. They should make you look at your text more intently, though, which is never a bad thing because computers still struggle with meaning.

Rendering Markdown into HTML using PHP

3rd December 2022

One of the good things about using virtual private servers for hosting websites in preference to shared hosting or using a web application service like or Tumblr is that you get added control and flexibility. There was a time when HTML, CSS and client-side scripting were all that was available from the shared hosting providers that I was using. Then, static websites were my lot until it became possible to use Perl server side scripting. PHP predominates now, but Python or Ruby cannot be discounted either.

Being able to install whatever you want is a bonus as well, though it means that you also are responsible for the security of the containers that you use. There will be infrastructure security, but that of your own machine will be your own concern. Added power always means added responsibility, as many might say.

The reason that these thought emerge here is that getting PHP to render Markdown as HTML needs the installation of Composer. Without that, you cannot use the CommonMark package to do the required back-work. All the command that you see here will work on Ubuntu 22.04. First, you need to download Composer and executing the following command will accomplish this:

curl -o /tmp/composer-setup.php

Before the installation, it does no harm to ensure that all is well with the script before proceeding. That means that capturing the signature for the script using the following command is wise:


Once you have the script signature, then you can check its integrity using this command:

php -r "if (hash_file('SHA384', '/tmp/composer-setup.php') === '$HASH') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;"

The result that you want is “Installer verified”. If not, you have some investigating to do. Otherwise, just execute the installation command:

sudo php /tmp/composer-setup.php --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer

With Composer installed, the next step is to run the following command in the area where your web server expects files to be stored. That is important when calling the package in a PHP script.

composer require league/commonmark

Then, you can use it in a PHP script like so:

include ROOT_LOC . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use League\CommonMark\CommonMarkConverter;
$converter = new CommonMarkConverter();
echo $converter->convertToHtml(file_get_contents(ROOT_LOC . '<location of markdown file>));

The first line finds the absolute location of your web server file directory before using it when defining the locations of the autoload script and the required markdown file. The third line then calls in the CommonMark package, while the fourth sets up a new object for the desired transformation. The last line converts the input to HTML and outputs the result.

If you need to render the output of more than one Markdown file, then repeating the last line from the preceding block with a different file location is all you need to do. The CommonMark object persists and can be used like a variable without needing the reinitialisation to be repeated every time.

The idea of building a website using PHP to render Markdown has come to mind, but I will leave it at custom web pages for now. If an opportunity comes, then I can examine the idea again. Before, I had to edit HTML, but Markdown is friendlier to edit, so that is a small advance for now.

  • All the views that you find expressed on here in postings and articles are mine alone and not those of any organisation with which I have any association, through work or otherwise. As regards editorial policy, whatever appears here is entirely of my own choice and not that of any other person or organisation.

  • Please note that everything you find here is copyrighted material. The content may be available to read without charge and without advertising but it is not to be reproduced without attribution. As it happens, a number of the images are sourced from stock libraries like iStockPhoto so they certainly are not for abstraction.

  • With regards to any comments left on the site, I expect them to be civil in tone of voice and reserve the right to reject any that are either inappropriate or irrelevant. Comment review is subject to automated processing as well as manual inspection but whatever is said is the sole responsibility of the individual contributor.