Technology Tales

Adventures & experiences in contemporary technology

Catching keyboard interruptions in a Python script for a more orderly exit

17th April 2024

A while back, I was using a Python script to watch a folder and process photos in there, whenever a new one was added. Eventually, I ended up with a few of these because I was unable to work out a way to get multiple folders watched in the same script.

In each of them, though, I needed a tidy way to exit a running script in place of the stream of consciousness that often emerges when you do such things to it. Because I knew what was happening anyway, I needed a script to terminate quietly and set to uncover a way to achieve this.

What came up was something like the code that you see below. While I naturally did some customisations, I kept the essential construct to capture keyboard interruption shortcuts, like the use of CTRL + C in a Linux command line interface.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        except SystemExit:

What is happening above is that the interruption operation is captured in a nested TRY/EXCEPT block. The outer block catches the interruption, while the inner one runs through different ways of performing the script termination. For the first termination function call, you need to call the SYS package and the second needs the OS one, so you need to declare these at the start of your script.

Of the two, SYS.EXIT is preferable because it invokes clean-up activities while OS._EXIT does not, which might explain the “_” prefix in the second of these. In fact, calling SYS.EXIT is not that different to issuing RAISE SYSTEMEXIT instead because that lies underneath it. Here OS._EXIT is the fallback for when SYS.EXIT fails, and it is not all that desirable given the abrupt action that it invokes.

The exit code of 130 is fed to both, since that is what is issued when you terminate a running instance of an application on Linux anyway. Using 0 could negate any means of picking up what has happened if you have downstream processing. In my use case, everything was standalone, so that did not matter so much.

Generating custom log messages in R

24th April 2023

While I have been exploring the use of R on a private basis during the last few years, a recent opportunity allowed me to use this exposure at work. This took the form of creating a utility script for use by others. To keep things lightweight, I did not go down the packaging route, but that may come later, possibly for something else.

However, anything used by others needs input checking and comprehensible feedback should anything go wrong. For me, that meant looking at the message, warning and stop functions. The last of these aborts script execution when there is a critical error while the other two do not do that. The message function is for informative user input while the warning function suggests things that may need their attention.

Each function takes string input and sends this to the terminal or log. They also can combine different pieces of text in the style of the paste0 function and can take the text output of other functions as input. Used in combination with conditional logic or error handling, they can help a user track down what went wrong without their needing to ask a script developer. Anything that helps anyone else to help themselves has to be good.

Resolving a clash between Homebrew and Python

22nd November 2022

For reasons that I cannot recall now, I installed the Hugo static website generator on my Linux system and web servers using Homebrew. The only reason that I suggest is that it might have been a way to get the latest version at the time since Linux Mint only does major changes every two years, keeping it in line with long-term support editions of Ubuntu.

When Homebrew was installed, it changed the lookup path for command line executables by adding the following line to my .bashrc file:

eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"

This executed the following lines:

export HOMEBREW_PREFIX="/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew";
export HOMEBREW_CELLAR="/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar";
export HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY="/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Homebrew";
export PATH="/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin:/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/sbin${PATH+:$PATH}";
export MANPATH="/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/share/man${MANPATH+:$MANPATH}:";
export INFOPATH="/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/share/info:${INFOPATH:-}";

While the result suits Homebrew, it changed the setup of Python and its packages on my system. Eventually, this had undesirable consequences like messing up how Spyder started so I wanted to change this. There are other things that I have automated using Python and these were not working either.

One way that I have seen suggested is to execute the following command but I cannot vouch for this:

brew unlink python

What I did was to comment out the offending line in .bashrc and replace it with the following:

export PATH="$PATH:/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin:/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/sbin"

export HOMEBREW_PREFIX="/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew";
export HOMEBREW_CELLAR="/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar";
export HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY="/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Homebrew";

export MANPATH="/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/share/man${MANPATH+:$MANPATH}:";
export INFOPATH="${INFOPATH:-}/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/share/info";

The first of these adds the Homebrew paths to the end of the PATH variable instead of the start of the same as was the case before. This means that system folders get searched for executable files before the Homebrew ones. It also means that Python packages are loaded from my user area and not the Homebrew one as was the case under its own terms. There are other things to remember with Python packages such as not having a version installed at the system level and another at the user one since these will conflict with one another.

So far, the result of the Homebrew changes is not unsatisfactory and I will watch for any rough edges that need addressing. If something comes up, then I will set things up in another way.

Carrying colour coding across multi-line custom log messages in SAS

16th February 2022

Custom error messages are good to add to SAS macros but you can get inconsistent colouration of the message text in multi-line messages. That was something that I just overlooked until I recently came across a solution. That is to use a hyphen at the end of the ERROR/WARNING/NOTE prefix instead of the more usual colon. Any prefixes ending on a hyphen are not included in the log text and the colouration ignores the carriage return that ordinary would change the text colour to black. The simple macro below demonstrates the effect.

Macro Code:

%macro test;
%put ERROR: this is a test;
%put ERROR- this is another test;
%put WARNING: this is a test;
%put WARNING- this is another test;
%put NOTE: this is a test;
%put NOTE- this is another test;
%mend test;


Log Output:

ERROR: this is a test
       this is another test

WARNING: this is a test
         this is another test

NOTE: this is a test
      this is another test

Useful Python packages for working with data

14th October 2021

My response to changes in the technology stack used in clinical research is to develop some familiarity with programming and scripting platforms that complement and compete with SAS, a system with which I have been programming since 2000. One of these has been R but Python is another that has taken up my attention and I now also have Julia in my sights as well. There may be others to assess in the fullness of time.

While I first started to explore the Data Science world in the autumn of 2017, it was in the autumn of 2019 that I began to complete LinkedIn training courses on the subject. Good though they were, I find that I need to actually use a tool in order to better understand it. At that time, I did get to hear about Python packages like Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib, Seaborn and Beautiful Soup  though it took until of spring of this year for me to start gaining some hands-on experience with using any of these.

During the summer of 2020, I attended a BCS webinar on the CodeGrades initiative, a programming mentoring scheme inspired by the way classical musicianship is assessed. In fact, one of the main progenitors is a trained classical musician and teacher of classical music who turned to Python programming when starting a family so as to have a more stable income. The approach is that a student selects a project and works their way through it with mentoring and periodic assessments carried out in a gentle and discursive manner. Of course, the project has to be engaging for the learning experience to stay the course and that point came through in the webinar.

That is one lesson that resonates with me with subjects as diverse as web server performance and the ongoing pandemic pandemic supplying data and there are other sources of public data to examine as well before looking through my own personal archive gathered over the decades. Some subjects are uplifting while others are more foreboding but the key thing is that they sustain interest and offer opportunities for new learning. Without being able to dream up new things to try, my knowledge of R and Python would not be as extensive as it is and I hope that it will help with learning Julia too.

In the main, my own learning has been a solo effort with consultation of documentation along with web searches that have brought me to the likes of Real Python, Stack Abuse, Data Viz with Python and R and others for longer tutorials as well as threads on Stack Overflow. Usually, the web searching begins when I need a steer on a particular or a way to resolve a particular error or warning message but books always are worth reading even if that is the slower route. Those from the Dummies series or from O’Reilly have proved must useful so far but I do need to read them more completely than I already have; it is all too tempting to go with the try the “programming and search for solutions as you go” approach instead.

To get going, many choose the Anaconda distribution to get Jupyter notebook functionality but I prefer a more traditional editor so Spyder has been my tool of choice for Python programming and there are others like PyCharm as well. Spyder itself is written in Python so it can be installed using pip from PyPi like other Python packages. It has other dependencies like Pylint for code management activities but these get installed behind the scenes.

The packages that I first met in 2019 may be the mainstays for doing data science but I have discovered others since then. It also seems that there is porosity between the worlds of R an Python so you get some Python packages aping R packages and R has the Reticulate package for executing Python code. There are Python counterparts to such Tidyverse stables as dply and ggplot2 in the form of Siuba and Plotnine, respectively. The syntax of these packages are not direct copies of what is executed in R but they are close enough for there to be enough familiarity for added user friendliness compared to Pandas or Matplotlib. The interoperability does not stop there for there is SQLAlchemy for connecting to MySQL and other databases (PyMySQL is needed as well) and there also is SASPy for interacting with SAS Viya.

Pyhton may not have the speed of Julia but there are plenty of packages for working with larger workloads. Of these, Dask, Modin and RAPIDS all have there uses for dealing with data volumes that make Pandas code crawl. As if to prove that there are plenty of libraries for various forms of data analytics, data science, artificial intelligence and machine learning, there also are the likes of Keras, TensorFlow and NetworkX. These are just a selection of what is available and there is no need not to check out more. It may be tempting to stick with the most popular packages all the time, especially when they do so much, but it never hurst to keep an open mind either.

Fixing an update error in OpenMediaVault 4.0

10th June 2019

For a time, I found that executing the command omv-update in OpenMediaVault 4.0 produced the following Python errors appeared among other more benign messages:

Exception ignored in: <function WeakValueDictionary.__init__.<locals>.remove at 0xb7099d64>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 117, in remove
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
Exception ignored in: <function WeakValueDictionary.__init__.<locals>.remove at 0xb7099d64>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 117, in remove
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

Not wanting a failed update, I decided that I needed to investigate this and found that /usr/lib/python3.5/ required the following updates to lines 109 and 117, respectively:

def remove(wr, selfref=ref(self), _atomic_removal=_remove_dead_weakref):

_atomic_removal(d, wr.key)

To be more clear, the line beginning with “def” is how line 109 should appear while the line beginning with _atomic_removal is how line 117 should appear. Once the required edits were made and the file closed, re-running omv-update revealed that the problem was fixed and that is how things remain at the time of writing.

Using NOT IN operator type functionality in SAS Macro

9th November 2018

For as long as I have been programming with SAS, there has been the ability to test if a variable does or does not have one value from a list of values in data step IF clauses or WHERE clauses in both data step and most if not all procedures. It was only within the last decade that its Macro language got similar functionality with one caveat that I recently uncovered: you cannot have a NOT IN construct. To get that, you need to go about things in a different way.

In the example below, you see the NOT operator being placed before the IN operator component that is enclosed in parentheses. If this is not done, SAS produces the error messages that caused me to look at SAS Usage Note 31322. Once I followed that approach, I was able to do what I wanted without resorting to older more long-winded coding practices.

options minoperator;

%macro inop(x);

%if not (&x in (a b c)) %then %do;
%put Value is not included;
%else %do;
%put Value is included;

%mend inop;


Running the above code should produce a similar result to another featured on here in another post but the logic is reversed. There are times when such an approach is needed. One is where a small number of possibilities is to be excluded from a larger number of possibilities. Programming often involves more inventive thinking and this may be one of those.

WARNING: No bars were drawn. This could have been caused by ORDER= on the AXIS statement. You might wish to use the MIDPOINTS= option on the VBAR statement instead.

25th September 2015

What you see above is a an error issued by a SAS program like what a colleague at work recently found. The following code will reproduce this so let us walk through the steps to explain a possible cause for this.

The first stage is to create a test dataset containing variables y and x, for the vertical and midpoint axes, respectively, and populating these using a CARDS statement in a data step:

data a;
input y x;
1 5
3 9

Now, we define an axis with tick marks for particular values that will be used as the definition for the midpoint or horizontal axis of the chart:

axis1 order=(1 3);

Then, we try creating the chart using the GCHART procedure that comes with SAS/GRAPH and this is what results in the error message being issued in the program log:

proc gchart data=a;
vbar x / freq=y maxis=axis1;

The cause is that the midpoint axis tick marks are no included in the data so changing these to the actual values of the x variable removes the message and allows the creation of the required chart. Thus, the AXIS1 statement needs to become the following:

axis1 order=(5 9);

Another solution is to remove the MAXIS option from the VBAR statement and let GCHART be data driven. However, if requirements do not allow this, create a shell dataset with all expected values for the midpoint axis with y set 0 since that is used for presenting frequencies as per the FREQ option in the VBAR statement.

Using the IN operator in SAS Macro programming

8th October 2012

This useful addition came in SAS 9.2 and I am amazed that it isn’t enabled by default. To accomplish that, you need to set the MINOPERATOR option unless someone has done it for you in the SAS AUTOEXEC or another configuration program. Thus, the safety first approach is to have code like the following:

options minoperator;

%macro inop(x);

%if &x in (a b c) %then %do;
%put Value is included;
%else %do;
%put Value not included;

%mend inop;


Also, the default delimiter is the space, so if you need to change that, then the MINDELIMITER option needs setting. Adjusting the above code so that the delimiter now is the comma character gives us the following:

options minoperator mindelimiter=",";

%macro inop(x);

%if &x in (a,b,c) %then %do;
%put Value is included;
%else %do;
%put Value not included;

%mend inop;


Without any of the above, the only approach is to have the following and that is what we had to do for SAS versions prior to 9.2:

%macro inop(x);

%if &x=a or &x=b or &x=c %then %do;
%put Value is included;
%else %do;
%put Value not included;

%mend inop;


It may be clunky but it does work and remains a fallback in newer versions of SAS. Saying that, having the IN operator available makes writing SAS Macro code that little bit more swish so it’s a good thing to know.

AND & OR, a cautionary tale

27th March 2009

The inspiration for this post is a situation where having the string “OR” or “AND” as an input to a piece of SAS Macro code breaking a program that I had written. Here is a simplified example of what I was doing:

%macro test;
%let doms=GE GT NE LT LE AND OR;
%let lv_count=1;
%do %while (%scan(&doms,&lv_count,' ') ne );
%put &lv_count;
%let lv_count=%eval(&lv_count+1);
%mend test;


The loop proceeds well until the string “AND” is met and “OR” has the same effect. The result is the following message appears in the log:

ERROR: A character operand was found in the %EVAL function or %IF condition where a numeric operand is required. The condition was: %scan(&doms,&lv_count,' ') ne
ERROR: The condition in the %DO %WHILE loop, , yielded an invalid or missing value, . The macro will stop executing.
ERROR: The macro TEST will stop executing.

Both AND & OR (case doesn’t matter but I am sticking with upper case for sake of clarity) seem to be reserved words in a macro DO WHILE loop while equality mnemonics like GE cause no problem. Perhaps, the fact that and equality operator is already in the expression helps. Regardless, the fix is a simple one:

%macro test;
%let doms=GE GT NE LT LE AND OR;
%let lv_count=1;
%do %while ("%scan(&doms,&lv_count,' ')" ne "");
%put &lv_count;
%let lv_count=%eval(&lv_count+1);
%mend test;


Now none of the strings extracted from the macro variable &DOMS will appear as bare words and confuse the SAS Macro processor but you do have to make sure that you are testing for the null string (“” or ”) or you’ll send your program into an infinite loop, always a potential problem with DO WHILE loops so they need to be used with care. All in all, an odd looking message gets an easy solution without recourse to macro quoting functions like %NRSTR or %SUPERQ.

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