Technology Tales

Adventures in consumer and enterprise technology

Displaying superscripted text in Hugo website content

Published on 6th January 2025 Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

In a previous post, there was a discussion about displaying ordinal publishing dates with superscripted suffixes in Hugo and WordPress. Here, I go further with inserting superscripted text into Markdown content. Because of the default set up for the Goldmark Markdown renderer, it is not as simple as adding <sup>…</sup> constructs to your Markdown source file. That will generate a warning like this:

WARN Raw HTML omitted while rendering "[initial location of Markdown file]"; see
You can suppress this warning by adding the following to your site configuration:
ignoreLogs = ['warning-goldmark-raw-html']

Because JavaScript can be added using HTML tags, there is an added security hazard that could be overlooked if you switch off the warning as suggested. Also, Goldmark does not interpret Markdown specifications of superscripting without an extension whose incorporation needs some familiarity with Go development.

That leaves using a Shortcode. These go into layouts/shortcodes under your theme area; the file containing mine got called super.html. The content is the following one-liner:

<sup>{{ .Get 0 | markdownify }}⁢/sup>

This then is what is added to the Markdown content:

{{< super "th" >}}

What happens here is that the Shortcode picks up the content within the content within the quotes and encapsulates it with the HTML superscript tags to give the required result. This approach can be extended for subscripts and other similar ways of rendering text, too. All that is required is a use case, and the rest can be put in place.

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