Technology Tales

Adventures in consumer and enterprise technology

Clearing the Julia REPL

Published on 23rd September 2024 Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

During development, there are times when you need to clear the Julia REPL. It can become so laden with content that it becomes hard to perform debugging of your code. One way to accomplish this is issuing the CTRL + L keyboard shortcut while focus is within the REPL; you need to click on it first. Another is to issue the following in the REPL itself:


Here \033 is an escape code in octal format. It is often used in terminal control sequences. The c character is what resets the terminal to its initial state. Printing this sequence is what does the clearance and variations can be used to clear other kinds of console screens too. That makes it a more generic solution.

Dropping to an underlying shell using the ; character is another possibility. Then, you can use the clear or cls commands as needed; the latter is for Windows systems.

One last option is to define a Julia function for doing this:

function clear_console()
    run(`clear`)  # or `cls` for Windows

Calling the clear_console function then clears the screen programmatically, allowing for greater automation. The run function is the one that sends that command in backticks to the underlying shell for execution. Even using that alone should work too.

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