Technology Tales

Adventures in consumer and enterprise technology

Unzipping more than one file at a time in Linux and macOS

Published on 10th September 2024 Estimated Reading Time: 1 minute

To me, it sounded like a task for shell scripting, but I wanted to extract three zip archives in one go. They had come from Google Drive and contained different splits of the files that I needed, raw images from a camera. However, I found a more succinct method than the line of code that you see below (it is intended for the BASH shell):

for z in *.zip; do; unzip "$z"; done

That loops through each file that matches a glob string. All I needed was something like this:

unzip '*.zip'

Without embarking on a search, I got close but have not quoted the search string. Without the quoting, it was not working for me. To be sure that I was extracting more than I needed, I made the wildcard string more specific for my case.

Once the extraction was complete, I moved the files into a Lightroom Classic repository for working on them later. All this happened on an iMac, but the extraction itself should work on any UNIX-based operating system, so long as the shell supports it.

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