Technology Tales

Adventures in consumer and enterprise technology

Manually updating Let’s Encrypt certificates

Published on 8th November 2024 Estimated Reading Time: 1 minute

Normally, Let’s Encrypt certificates get renewed automatically. Thus, it came as a surprise to me to receive an email telling me that one of my websites had a certificate that was about to expire. The next step was to renew the certificate manually.

That sent me onto the command line in an SSH session to the Ubuntu server in question. Once there, I used the following command to check on my certificates to confirm that the email alert was correct:

sudo certbot certificates

Then, I issued this command to do a test run of the update:

sudo certbot renew --dry-run

In the knowledge that nothing of concern came up in the dry run, then it was time to do the update for real using this command:

sudo certbot renew

Rerunning sudo certbot certificates checked that all was in order. All that did what should have happened automatically; adding a cron job should address that, though, and adding the --quiet switch should cut down on any system emails too.

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